+9 Post-Master’s Coursework

Program: +9 Post-Master's Coursework
Degree Level: Graduate
Credit Hours: 9 credit hours
Delivery Format: Online
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s degree with a Teaching Certificate

The +9 Post-Master's Coursework is designed for teachers who hold a bachelor's degree with a teaching certificate and are interested in updating their knowledge or developing new skills. You may choose a triad of 3 graduate courses (9 credit hours) from one of 7 different subject areas, or you may create your own by selecting courses from different triads. If you do not hold a master's degree and are interested in any of these courses, contact Sarah Bartling using the contact information below.

Subject Areas

1.) Empowering Learners

TE 804 - Curriculum Development in Multicultural Education OR TE 899P Inclusion & Differentiation in the 21st Century Classroom
TE 866 - Motivating the 21st Century Learner
Technology course of student's choice

The purpose of this triad is to equip the experienced PK-12 educator with strategies to empower learners for higher achievement and independent learning. TE 866 focuses on research-based principles for motivating PK-12 students with the aim of fostering in them a disposition of lifelong learning. The course emphasis is on the practical application of strategies customized to the graduate student’s own field of educational interest. In TE 804, students study diverse learning and teaching styles as well as explore the meaning and the reality of creating an environment that is conducive to and supportive of infused multicultural education. TE 899P addresses the instructional needs of all students with exceptionalities (disabilities and giftedness) as well as those from culturally diverse backgrounds in integrated settings. Additionally, students take a technology course of their choosing.

2.) School Library Overview/Refresher

TE 868 - Copyright, Fair Use, and Ethics
TE 869 - Introduction to the School Library Program
TE 871 - Collection Development & Management OR TE 873 Reference Services & Resources

The purpose of this triad is to give an overview of library trends and issues for non-librarians, or for practicing school librarians who wish to update their knowledge and skills. TE 869 is an overview of selected school library topics: current trends, genres, issues, and instructional and motivational strategies in children's and adolescent literature; school library and educational professional ethics including issues concerning the individual, society, and the profession; and an introduction to information literacy. TE 868 focuses on the ethical use of copyrighted material and Fair Use Guidelines as they relate to education and business training. TE 871 (recommended for the overview track) is designed to provide the student with the basic competencies needed for print and non-print collection selection, development and evaluation (TE 869 is the prerequisite). TE 873 (recommended for the refresher track) explores the range of reference resources which support the school library media center, including the evaluation and use of print and virtual reference sources, reference procedures, and the instructional role of reference resources in the overall school curriculum.

3.) Multiple Literacies

TE 867 - Storytelling in the School Library and Classroom
TE 877 - Developing Web-Based Educational Environments
TE 876 - Integration of Curriculum, Technology, and Media Resources

This triad emphasizes strategies for teaching information literacy in multiple formats. TE 867 focuses on storytelling as an oral tradition, as a digital medium, and as a powerful tool for persuasion and education. The emphasis of TE 876 is on curriculum integration of technology in teaching effectiveness for PK-12 educators. TE 877 is for teachers and instructional technologists who wish to design, implement and evaluate learner-centered instructional environments. Students will create, implement and evaluate nonlinear, student-centered interactive web-based projects, based upon their students' assessed learning needs.

4.) Instructional Technology Leadership

TE 866 - Motivation the 21st Century Learner
TE 878 - Leadership in Instructional Technology
TE 880 - Management of Educational Technology OR Te 875 Administration of the School Library

This triad will provide students with the skills and tools necessary to be an effective, innovated instructional leader in the field of instructional technology, TE 878 emphasizes staff/faculty development, planning, using data-driven decision making, and funding in instructional technology. Based on individual needs, students choose between TE 880 (an in-depth study of the administration and leadership of technology in P - 16 educational settings) and TE 875 (focuses on the administration of the school library program's mission, budgeting, supervision of personnel, planning, resources needs, communication within the school and public communities). TE 866 focuses on research principles for motivating PK-12 student with the aim of fostering in them a disposition of lifelong learning. The course emphasis is on the practical application of strategies customized to the graduate student's own field of educational interest.

5.) Special Education

TE 899P - Intervention Strategies for Individuals with Behavior/Emotional Disabilities
TE 899P - Co-Teaching and Collaborative Services
TE 899P - Technology Applications for Diverse Learners

This triad introduces a variety of innovate strategies for teaching diverse and challenging students, and provides a preview of the coursework offered in the Advanced Practitioner Emphasis area in the Master of Arts in Education Program. TE 899P Intervention strategies for individuals with Behavior/Emotional Disabilities, will examine research effective strategies and interventions for working with students that have behavioral and emotional disabilities. Interventions appropriate for the three tiers of intervention will be explored. TE 899P Co-Teaching and Collaborative Services, will focus to address the co-teaching models and strategies that will be able to be implement in the rural setting as well as the urban setting. TE 899P Technology Applications for Diverse Learners, will examine the applications of technology for diverse learners as it relates to teaching and learning. The course will also focus on technology support for diverse learners and new applications of existing and developing technology will be explored.

6.) Leadership

TE 820 - Teacher Leadership
EDAD 833 - EDAD Assessment Leadership
TE 866 - Motivating the 21st Century Learner

This triad will provide students with the skills and tools necessary to be an effective, innovative instructional leader in the field of instructional technology. TE 878 emphasizes staff/faculty development, planning, using data-driven decision making, and funding in instructional technology. Based on individual needs, students choose between TE 880 (an in-depth study of the administration and leadership of technology in P-16 educational settings) and TE 875 (focuses on the administration of the school library program's mission, budgeting, supervision of personnel, planning, resource needs, communication within the school and public communities). TE 866 focuses on research-based principles for motivating PK-12 students with the aim of fostering in them a disposition of lifelong learning. The course emphasis is on the practical application of strategies customized to the graduate student’s own field of educational interest.

7.) Visual Production

TE 887 - Electronic Media Production
TE 885 - Instructional Video Production
TE 888 - Multimedia Production

The purpose of this triad is to give students the knowledge and practical skills to design, implement and evaluate learner-centered instructional environments. In TE 887, students will create, implement and evaluate nonlinear, student-centered interactive web-based projects, based upon their students' assessed learning needs. TE 885 will prepare the student to design, create, produce and edit instructional videos. The focus will be on using currently available classroom equipment for video production, editing, and related concepts. TE 888 focuses on the use of a screen recorder to develop, record, and edit on-screen activity, add imported media, create interactive content, and share HD videos. Topics include introductory screen design, scripting, project time management, audio recordings, and graphics.

How do I get started?

1. Request information about the program to learn more.

2. Prepare to apply by viewing the program's application process, or apply now.

3. Contact bet36365体育 Online with any questions:

University of Nebraska at Kearney - Online
Phone: 308-865-8800
Email: unkonline@tiemles.com